Be mindful of the things that are worthy of praise in Christ, and God will protect you

Reflecting on your life and the various circumstances you find yourself in can stir up a myriad of emotions and thoughts, some of which will drag you down. Others will motivate and inspire you. We all encounter many situations that will discourage, belittle, and shatter our joy, feelings, and emotions. However, we have the liberty of deciding the outcome of our mindsets.
We here at Hickman Road invite you to focus on the positives that lead to Roads to Motivation. This brings me to the “Whatever’s.”
In Philippians 4:8, Paul invites the saints to participate in thinking and practicing on some things. These things Paul presents are not only beneficial to the one practicing them, but also beneficial to others in the body of Christ. Paul says, “Whatever is true, honorable, right, pure, lovely, and of good repute and worthy of praise,” think on these things. Right after this Paul says, practice those things you’ve learned, received, heard, and seen in Godly living. He goes on to give the direct result of determining your mindset, which is that the God of all peace will be with you when practicing and thinking on these things.
If you really want to feel secure, take a jaunt back up to verse 7. In Phillipians 4:7, you see that not only will God be present with you, He will guard your heart and your mind in Christ Jesus… What a beautiful promise! Opposition cannot prevail over your heart — or your mind — in Christ.
Be motivated! When you take inventory and account for the things that are worthy of praise, God is on your side. The words “think” or “dwell” literally mean to take inventory. So while you’re being mindful of the things that are worthy of praise in Christ, God goes over and above to protect you, even when you are weak and down in a pit.
So the next time you’re reflecting on your life and the various circumstances you find yourself in, do not nestle yourself down in distress. Remember to think on the things that are worthy of praise, even if they are small, for the things that are positive will lead you along the road to motivation.
We invite you, dear readers, to join us on this journey that will lead us along the road to motivation. When you’re down or maybe needing some encouragement, remember us and let us guide you on the road to motivation.
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