Christ gives us the opportunity to live our best life

It was His sacrifice that liberated the scorned soul, giving us the opportunity to dream big, lust obedience, indulge in the work of the Lord, and make the impossible achievable through faith in God.
One of the most exciting ventures that Jesus brought to Christianity is not an avenue of what we can’t do, but rather a clearly carved out pattern of faith in what we can do. In Christ, we have an opportunity to live our best life — not a life of selfish pleasures — but one of celebrating his sacrifice.
I hear many individuals in Christ talk about the things we can’t do, rather than focusing on the ample opportunities we have in our walk with our Lord. We who walk in Christ have no walls, ceilings, or limits on what we can achieve in Christ through our faith in Him.
After all, it was His sacrifice that liberated the scorned soul, giving us the opportunity to dream big, lust obedience, indulge in the work of the Lord, and make the impossible achievable through faith in God. Impossible was yesterday … faith in God is now.
This journey of limitless living through faith in Christ Jesus begins with not letting your hearts be troubled, but believing in God and also in Christ (John 14:1-6). Your beliefs will be indicative of the way you conduct yourself in following the law of liberty that Christ has set forth for those who love Him.
Following the belief of God in Christ is to acknowledge the unity of God (Ephesians 4:1-6). This belief is going to be key in preserving the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace. It is vital that one acknowledges this unity so that one’s own thoughts and opinions don’t get in the way of achieving this unity, which is essential to preserve and foster this pattern of limitless living in Christ through faith.
We cannot forget about our love and serving God. Our relationship with God is based on how we treat others. So when one thinks on the way they can love the Lord through their service, it is vital that we understand that serving others is a direct way one can serve and display their love to and for God (John 13:17). “If you know these things and do them you are blessed.”
Finally, when we are talking about limitless living, we can experience this through sanctification in our walk with God. This process of sanctification (which means to be made holy) is taking place as we are living an obedient life in Christ. The word “holy” literally means to be dedicated to the Lord. When we are living a life that is dedicated to the Lord, we do not ask the question “what can we not do?” Instead, we ask “what can we do?”
And that’s a wonderful question to ask because there are so many opportunities to exhaust the righteousness of God and bask in His holy presence. By simply performing and obeying His will, limitless living in Christ will allow the captive to be free, the orphan to feel at home, and the unrighteous to desire the life of righteous living in a limitless fashion.
If you are not a child of God and you’re not living your life to the fullest, it is time to stop allowing your troubles to influence your walk with God in a negative way. It is time to strengthen your belief, start serving, and enhance your love for Jesus because you were designed to bring praise to His name! Start living limitlessly and stop thinking of what you can’t do. Instead, shift your thinking to focus on what you can do and ways you can excel still more in serving Christ.
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