If God is all you have, you have all you need

God will not allow your feet to slip, He is your shade, He is the protection from evil, and the guardian of your life, not just today, but forever.
There are times when many of us get down on ourselves and we begin to doubt God and even question who we are. Often times we doubt who and what God is to us. Thanks be to God that He has revealed His word throughout the scriptures.
God has connected with us in such a way that no matter what circumstances we find ourselves in, we are reminded that He is our keeper. So when you’re feeling insecure, afraid, down, anxious, needing help physically, mentally, emotionally, and even spiritually the 121st Psalm reminds us of who God is to His people. This psalm captures the essence of who God is. In it, we see His protection and vigilance in reassuring His people. We discover that if God is all we have, then we have all we need.
In the 121st Psalm, the writer lifts his eyes to the mountains, which are powerful in presence alone, and the writer asks the rhetorical question: Where shall my help come? And as the psalmist looks beyond the mountains to the One who created them, he is reminded that God is His keeper and the keeper of his people, Israel.
So when you’re feeling down or anxious and need to be reminded of who God is, take a jaunt through the 121st psalm keying in on these verses: Psalm 121: 3, 5, 7, and 8. These verses will unveil that God will not allow your feet to slip, He is your shade, He is the protection from evil, and the guardian of your life … not just today, but into forever.
Allow these verses to encourage you about who you are in God’s eyes. It should be reassuring to know that if God is all you have, then you have that you need. Be enriched by the scriptures and allow God to do what He loves to do: be your everything.
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