The difference between superficial and genuine love, and why it matters

When you love others with genuine love, you also show that you love God.
It is so intriguing to me to see superficial love develop into good ol’ genuine love. It can be fascinating to see the superficial love that individuals express. Superficial love is the way the world expresses its love; you know, love that is expressed, but seeks a return of some sort. It is the type of love that seeks the return of a favor or the expression of love written in a card, an item that is gifted out of gratitude of the thought, idea, or of sentimental value.
As Christians, we are called to grow and excel in genuine love, the type of love that doesn’t seek a return of anything. As followers of Christ, we do not love others so others will love us — we love because God first loved us … without strings attached (1 John 4:18-19).
Love is perfected when the fear of not getting something in return vanishes away like vapor over a boiling pot. When we reach such levels in our love, we will be imitators of the love God has showered upon the world.
The next time you decide to love someone in a superficial way, remember that God loved you first. You and I must also be mindful of this reality: a huge portion of your relationship with God is based on how you love others. Love with that genuine love (1 John 4:18-21), because this is how you show that you love God.
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